International Conference of Applied and Creative Arts (ICACA)
The International Conference of Applied and Creative Arts (ICACA) is a biennial conference that brings together scholars, practitioners, NGOs, researchers, and industry stakeholders to discuss new ideas for the development of creative arts.
7th International Conference of Applied and Creative Art (ICACA 2024)
September 25, 2024 – September 27, 20247th ICACA 'Fostering Changes: Unleashing Boundless Inspiration in the Creative Art' reflects the contemporary reality of research trends by academic scholars and practitioners in the creative arts that transcend the boundaries of inspiration. Global progress-driven changes render inspiration sources boundless. This theme invites conference participants to seek sustainable and creative solutions to the demands of change faced by practitioners in the creative arts. Change within the realm of creative arts is deemed necessary. This theme encourages reflection on how creative arts can serve as positive agents of change, whether in social or cultural aspects. It also invites conference participants to explore limitless sources of inspiration in creative arts. The conference is expected to develop new techniques for realizing creativity and explore uncharted dimensions of art. The involvement of various arts disciplines in this conference is expected to foster inclusive collaboration among artists, designers, creative writers, and creative thinkers from diverse backgrounds. The symbiotic relationship between universities, industries, and society is also crucial, besides commercial value acquisition. This is also an added value to domestic economic development, automatically fiting surrounding communities, whether urban or rural. The 7th ICACA will serve as an ideal channel for discussing issues and challenges in digital technology and heritage.
This conference is organized to achieve three main objectives, namely:
- To serve as a platform for educators, researchers, designers, policy makers, practitioners, arts activists, students, and community leaders to come together and discuss various issues related to the arts within society.
- To share perspectives, explorations, and new discoveries in aspects of research, creative processes, management, and marketing of various art genres through journals.
- To continue efforts in showcasing the Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts (FACA) of UNIMAS as a higher education institution that supports scholarly pursuits in the arts through high-quality conferences and publications
All abstracts will be published in an abstract book with an ISBN number.
Accepted papers will be published in the International Journal of Applied and Creative Arts (IJACA) which is indexed in MyCite and Google Scholar.
Selected papers will be published in the SCOPUS indexed journal
The Regional Conference & Exhibition on Natural Products, Traditional Medicines and Herbs 2021
Promoting Ecotourism Through Innovations and Developments in Natural Products
The Regional Conference & Exhibition on Natural Products, Traditional Medicines and Herbs
December 9, 2021 – December 11, 2021This conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, manufacturers and entrepreneurs in this region to share their research findings, practices and innovations in natural products, traditional medicines and herbs. You can join the conference to present a paper orally or through posters. Alternatively, you can exhibit your products or submit a video of 2 minutes.
International Borneo Business Conference 2018 (IBBC2018)
International Borneo Business Conference 2018 (IBBC2018)
October 4, 2018 – October 6, 2018test Scheduled Conference Description
The International Conference on Language Studies 2017 (iCLS 2017)
The International Conference on Language Studies 2017 or iCLS 2017 (themed Sustaining Languages and Cultures: Borneo and Beyond) will be held in Kuching (Riverside Majestic Hotel) on the 9th and 10th August 2017. It is organised by Faculty of Language Studies and Communication Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak aims to create a platform for local and international practitioners and researchers to discuss various issues related to the research and preservation of languages and cultures in Borneo, Southeast Asia region and other neighbouring regions.
The International Conference on Language Studies 2017 (iCLS 2017)
August 9, 2017 – August 10, 2017The International Conference on Language Studies 2017 or iCLS 2017 (themed Sustaining Languages and Cultures: Borneo and Beyond) will be held in Kuching (Riverside Majestic Hotel) on the 9th and 10th August 2017. It is organised by Faculty of Language Studies and Communication Studies, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak aims to create a platform for local and international practitioners and researchers to discuss various issues related to the research and preservation of languages and cultures in Borneo, Southeast Asia region and other neighbouring regions.
The conference provides opportunity for researchers and practitioners in the field of language and cultural studies to share research results and showcase their innovations; establishes multidisciplinary collaborations among researchers and practitioners in the field of language and cultural studies in the region. A large number of language educators, students, trainees, university lecturers and professors, academics, and policy makers from all over the world especially Southeast Asia will be there.
International Conference on Borneo Books Publishing 2017 (BBPF2017)
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) is organising the INTERNATIONALCONFERENCE ON BORNEO BOOKS PUBLISHING (BBPF2017) which will be held from October 11 to 13, 2017 in the beautiful city of Kuching, Sarawak. The conference theme, "Contesting and Advancing Knowledge in Borneo Academic Publishing" aspires to bring together Academics, Writers, Publishers and Book Industry players to build relationships and view the island of Borneo as the springboard for significant creation for content.
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International Conference on Borneo Books Publishing 2017
October 11, 2017 – October 13, 2017Contesting and advancing knowledge in Borneo Academic Publishing
Mankind civilisation is reflected in books that are published by a state. The degree and speed of development is represented by the number of new titles a nation is able to publish annually. Publishing codifies knowledge so as to allow the wisdom the flow within the pages of a book to be transferred and diffuse across borders. With rigorous and vigorous research, knowledge is transformed and reinvented. New insight will continuously be added, but its validity and reliability will always be contested and debated.
Contestation and discursive researches allow knowledge to flourish and grow indefinitely. This is reflected in the researches done on Borneo, the third largest island in the world. The richness of its biodiversity and amalgamation of different cultural heritage have and will still attract many local and international scholars to converge on the island to seek and expand knowledge on Borneo.
All these breakthrough researches have now spread and being highlighted across the globe thanks to the persistent efforts by the community of local and international scholars who are continuously investigating, writing and publishing books and journals on Borneo. The diffusion rate of this new knowledge has increased tremendously with the advent of new publishing technologies. With the new technology, books and journals have moved into the realm of e-publishing, making it easier for humankind to share knowledge across space and time. With well-published books and journals, the shores of Borneo will continue to attract learned scholars from every field imaginable.
With the underlying premise, this international conference is organised to celebrate the different viewpoints among interested scholars in their discourse on academic publishing in Borneo. The objectives of this conference are:
To provide a platform for academic content creators, authors and book industry players in exchanging experience, knowledge and ideas through the conduct of forums, presentations and brainstorming sessions.
To encourage academic publication potentiality focusing on Borneo themes in pursuit of advancing knowledge.
To gather resources that will be able to assist high impact academic publication by experiencing the authenticity of Sarawak (as the conference venue) first-hand.
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